Sunday, August 10, 2014

NEW Jerkbeat Loop for FREE!


and use for your own purposes for whatever


What A Gasshole [Grossbeat Mix]

Thursday, August 7, 2014

My High School Senior Superlative Achievement

Ya.. so... ummm....  

I just found out what the hashtag #TBT stands for on Facebook, Twitter, etc. and:

  1. WTF is wrong with me?
  2. I couldn't figure it out that it must have had SOMETHING to with with at least, Thursday?
  3. I also didn't connect the obvious dots that it had something to do with the past and happened once a week? 
  4.  I seriously thought the first two words meant "To Be..." like "TBA" or "To Be Continued." now that I'm actually thinking and posting about it.  haha... so dumb.
  5. I Google EVERYTHING and I never got around to or even thought about searching for #TBT?
  6.  I don't even have to type anymore to search for things BTW...( thanks to Siri and her partner Wifi)

So, here's my first post for Throw Back Thursday.  

It may be my last, it may be the first of a kajillion... IDK.  We'll see I guess...