Half of the Group "Kriss Kross" died recently. I had no idea
I recently Googled "Kriss Kross" to see when they released the song "Jump" so I could reference the correct year when writing the description for my cover version of JUMP, now available for purchase in the store at JERKBEATS.com (BUY MY COVER VERSION HERE)and I saw this on the following video on the first page of results at Google.
NBC REPORTS Death of Chris Kelly earlier this year
I felt strange upon reading that news...
2>Although I HATED that song "Jump" and the two little kids more, I have completely changed my mind about both.
I have since realized that my tastes, likes, dislikes, habits, issues, cares, worries, etc... constantly change with time and I now think it's funny (and enlightening) to think what a real stupid dip ship I used to be, am still, and will be for my entire life. Don't get me wrong, NOW I'm the BEST... AWESOME at everything... BUT, future me will probably look back at present me and wonder what the fuck present me was doing just as I look at past me and laugh, shake my head, and pity that stupid jerk wad. lol
That's ok though....
Since I've recently understood that past me didn't know shit
and neither do I... in the future. No one KNOWS anything. Everyone's a fool. EVERY ONE. (except me)
It's only a very small percentage of humans who know this, and understand it. I used to be one of those fools. I will be again someday.