Thursday, November 7, 2013

You Are Now About To Witness The Absence Of Street Knowledge :Brothermaniac Presents Slapmaster D

In high school I used to go by the stage name, Slapmaster D, for the two songs I performed on stage.

For one song, two of my buddies and I performed a satirical version of NWA's "Straight Out Of Compton" for our senior variety show and I recently found an old vcr tape with it.  Before watching I VAGUELY remembered the performance and then realized that we had been drinking 40s out in my car before stepping on stage and blowing up the mics.  I think I might have shared it before but here it anyway below.

Other performers were MC SID  (Brian Anderson) who's dressed in a graduation gown, and Mr. Auto (Chris Peckham)

so I decided to start working on a current version of "Right Next To Brockton" using my good old moniker.

Album art

"One of these things ain't like the others, one of these things just ain't the same"

Stay tuned...